Nachruf auf Professor Dr. Maurizio Migliori

Nachruf auf Professor Dr. Maurizio Migliori

Ein Vermächtnis der Weisheit und Inspiration

In tiefer Anerkennung nehmen wir Abschied von Professor Dr. Maurizio Migliori, einem großen Philosophen und Mentor, der im 10. November 2023 verstorben ist. Sein Beitrag zur Welt der Philosophie und seine prägende Wirkung auf zahlreiche Studierende werden unvergessen bleiben.

Professor Migliori war nicht nur ein herausragender Gelehrter, sondern auch ein Wegbereiter, der die platonische Philosophie für Generationen von Studierenden lebendig gemacht hat. Seine tiefe Hingabe an die Philosophie und sein Engagement für Platons Erbe werden in seinem demnächst erscheinenden Buch „How Plato Writes“ weiterleben.

Sein Einfluss als Lehrer und seine politische Positionierung in den bewegten Zeiten von 1968 werden unvergessen bleiben. Sein Engagement für die Ideale der Linken und seine inspirierende Lehre haben eine Epoche des Denkens und der Philosophie geprägt.

Wir würdigen Professor Maurizio Migliori als eine bemerkenswerte Persönlichkeit und sind in dieser schweren Zeit bei seiner Familie und seinen Freunden. Mögen sein Geist und seine Weisheit in seinem Werk und in den Gedanken derer, die er inspiriert hat, für immer weiterleben.


Es folgt ein Nachruf von Lucia Palpacelli, Professorin an der Universität von Macerata und Schülerin von Professor Maurizio Migliori:

Maurizio Migliori was born on 5th October 1943. He graduated cum laude and specialized in Philosophy at Catholic University of Milan. After teaching in high schools for years, Prof. Migliori started teaching in Literature and Philosophy University, then in the Human Studies Department at the University of Macerata from 1991 to 2015. Among his many publications, it is important to remember the overall monography about platonic thought in two books Il disordine ordinato. La filosofia dialettica di Platone e Il Sofista di Platone. Valore e limiti dell’ontologia edited by Morcelliana; Platone, Filebo for Bompiani; Platone, Parmenide for Rusconi.

John McCourt, rector of Macerata University, commemorates him saying: «Prof. Maurizio Migliori, one of the most eminent members of Philosophic School in Macerata, teacher of well-known expertise and great passion, won many youngsters addressing them to the study of Philosophy».

Roberto Mancini, director of Human Studies Department in Macerata, said the following words to remember the Professor: «Maurizio Migliori has been not only a brilliant academic and a great expert of Plato, but also a passionate teacher, very loved by whoever attended his classes. He founded the School of History of Ancient Philosophy in Macerata that is renowned for its scientific fecundity and for its original contribution to Tübingen-Milan School in the field of platonic studies. Migliori himself, once he retired, wrote that his work would have not remained in his books, because it would have developed “in the lively intelligence of other people who develop the debate to results that an old man cannot even foresee, but that other youngsters will use for their own human and cultural growth.” Maurizio continues to keep his word».