
A significant and essential part of Academia’s publishing program is the field of anthropology.

In addition to the renowned journal Anthropos – Internationale Zeitschrift für Völker- und Sprachenkunde (International Review of Anthropology and Linguistics), Academia publishes the two series of the Anthropos Institute in Sankt Augustin, which entail anthropological and philosophical articles as well as ethnological and religious studies in several languages.

Collectanea Instituti Anthropos

published by Anthropos Institut St. Augustin e. V. and supervisor Prof. Dr. Joachim G. Piepke

In 1967 Fr Wilhelm Saake founded the series Collectanea Instituti Anthropos. It was originally intended to collect and publish materials cultures of written peoples, their oral traditions and myths, as well as materials on their languages.
Ethnological research has changed dramatically in recent decades. The pressure of technocratic cultures has led to a devaluation and disappearance of regional and local cultures due to unchecked globalisation. As a result, the Anthropos Institute has made it its mission to contribute to the preservation and survival of local cultures and languages. It is a contribution to accentuate the cultural diversity of creation and at the same time to promote the right of human beings to their cultural self-determination.
The Collectanea series makes it its mission to preserve oral traditions of scriptless peoples from extinction.

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Studia Instituti Anthropos

Die ethnologische Forschung hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten dramatisch verändert. Der Druck der technokratisch geprägten Kulturen hat durch die ungebremste Globalisierung zu einer Abwertung und zum Verschwinden regionaler und lokaler Kulturen geführt. In der Folge hat das Anthropos Institut sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, zur Erhaltung und zum Überleben lokaler Kulturen und Sprachen beizutragen. Es ist ein Beitrag, die kulturelle Diversität der Schöpfung zu akzentuieren und gleichzeitig das Recht des Menschen auf seine kulturelle Selbstbestimmung zu fördern.

Die Studia-Reihe möchte Forschungsarbeiten zum Erhalt der Kulturen unterstützen. In dieser Serie werden Monographien ethnologischen und religionswissenschaftlichen Charakters publiziert.

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published by Anthropos Institut St. Augustin e. V. and supervisor Prof. Dr. Joachim G. Piepke

Ethnological research has changed dramatically in recent decades. The pressure of technocratic cultures has led to a devaluation and disappearance of regional and local cultures due to unchecked globalisation. As a result, the Anthropos Institute has made it its mission to contribute to the preservation and survival of local cultures and languages. It is a contribution to accentuate the cultural diversity of creation while promoting the right of human beings to their cultural self-determination.
The Studia series aims to support research on the preservation of cultures. Monographs of an ethnological and religious studies nature are published in this series.

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